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Showing posts from June, 2016
I pray that one day you wake up early in the morning to caress your body and admire its fierce scars. Wake up with a smile so infectious it makes the sunrise look even more beautiful. Then i hope you play with your hair and remember the days that brought you joy. And when you are done, keep your feet in the floor with your hands dancing in the mid air. Swirl around, dance like there is no tomorrow. Then stop. Stop when you reach the mirror. Touch its silver skin and smile again, looking at you is a soul stitched with so much precision, the universe would have taken a century just to have an idea of creating you. You are that gorgeous and you deserve miracles happening everyday in your life. And they will. Shreeraksha Naik 
Why dont we? It looked wonderful. The garden i was sitting in. The dusty lane around the beautifully constructed garden was all that made me realise that  i still love the place we are living in. I look around,  people of many age groups strolling in the lane. Some waited for their loved ones and others content being alone, absorbing and assimilating the nature's porn look. Even the animals were there. And they were happy, after a very long time they had finally found a place where they could live without the fear of being tortured, or Atleast for a little more time till perhaps something might change. Then i turned to my right. It was not like no one was troubling the trees, I grinned as i saw small hands shooting up to pluck that one red coloured berry from the nearest branch of the gaint proud angiosperm . I chuckled now at my sole companion there, the  tree that bore that red coloured berry and she seemed very happy for this was what she always wanted, to be lo...
And coming to think about it, dont you think we are all made up of love? Arent the atoms and molecules making us up held together by the very force of attraction? If they didnt decide to adhere to each others soul would we exist? If the heart said to the mind 'My ego doesnt let me pump blood to your place' would we exist? And so all of them decided to be selfless but why? Aint it to sustain our soul? Aint it to fulfill our thirst? Now that we are basically made up of atoms of love lets just nourish one another by this gift we are abudanced with. Shreeraksha Naik