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Today while sitting in the same roof, the one that provided shelter and glaring at the sky, my attention shifted to other pole, the star was vibrating very fast. Perhapes she is sad. I thought. But then when my focus sharpened i realised that she and her sister where fighting,  the kind you and your sister fight, for tv remote, for the last piece of cake, for the kiss from your mom and dad. This pair of  stars were beautiful. It was so interesting to watch them play. And it was then that i realised that the world is the same every where. Be it in the mind of a human or in the distant stars. All the world, all the people,  we  are all a part of the bigger horizon, something yet to be named, something yet to be discovered scientifically. And that we are all its players, players who whether win or lose ultimately end up in the same place,in the bigger horizon, for the bigger horizon doesnt know to differentiate,  it only knows how to forgive and how to love unconditionally. So then why are we actually obssesed with external thoughts and the external matter when all that matters is that we all actually matter for the bigger horizon. And that is all that matters.
Shreeraksha Naik 


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