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Those introverts.

What's with them ? Whom ? You may ask. Those very people who don't really care two hoots as to what kind of an opinion do others have of them ?
Women who brave the stares and the smirks, only to pull their hair together into an oily braid or to go about doing their business without any hint of a concealer here or a touch of ccfoundation cream there...The ones who aren't worried about donning the same clothing over and over again ! Completely aloof of the fact that nobody gossips about their popularity or ogles at their hotness.

Yes, THEM ! What is it with them?

Why does it take guts to sit at the first bench totally aware of the fact that you'd be called names for it ? Or sometimes in a corner all alone by yourself immersed in your own fantasies ? To be NOT surrounded by a bunch of 'cool' girls & boys and be one amongst them ? To NOT participate in the acts considered 'in style' like rapping, dancing or the out of the box ones like Mad AD competitions ? To outstretch your hand for a question raised by your Biology teacher ? To be among the highest grossers  in that ever-so-tough Physics paper ? To feel the most secure when under your mom's 'pallu' rather than sit and gossip about the latest happenings with your cousins in a marriage function ?

Why does it really, REALLY take balls to reach this level of mental freedom where you are at peace with yourself ? And even then,  Why is it considered so really uncool ? Why is it discriminated against even in this 21st century ? What about them, these 'introverts' demanding a space  ?!

Yes, I do worry about being alone sometimes even though I enjoy my own company. I do worry some days about not looking good enough before setting my foot out into this big , bad judgemental world  ! Yes,  I do fret over not winning competitions because we are taught that losing is nothing but a disgrace. I  have my worries about fame, money and oh,  the list is just endless....But That, my dear, I worry, is just an indication citing the involvement of my mind in the materialism of this world. But wait....are they really different ?
What if they have found peace within ? Shouldn't they then, be considered better than us ? More sophisticated , more revered and more beautiful ?

This post here is for all those introverts ( you know who you are ) who are sometimes... just a wee bit hurt by how others treat them. For, they being fellow human beings are bound  by the virtue of emotions. They don't really care, but sometimes,  yeah...

Listen ! You, yes YOU ! You have my respect . For, I dont think anything in this world needs more courage than to be FREE ! To be free from the judgements of others. To be free, to FEEL good, great as a matter of fact. To be brave enough to put up your own self infront of others unlike the numerous others who turn their hair grey until they realise how less does it really matter as to what others think. It takes a brilliant mind mixed with a brave robust heart to be able to BE YOU.
If S.Ramanujan or John Nash were to worry about the wildness of their imaginations, their stories would have died with them. If people living in the deep himalayas worried about how people laughed at their peculiarities, they would never be able to attain the level of brilliance that far exceeds our fathomable thinking.
It does not take rocket science to teach you what is right for you. It just needs a deep, thoughtful and substantial introspection. If silence keeps you happy, then meditate . If writing keeps your happy, then write. If dreaming keeps you happy, then dream...! You are doing it right. More rightly so than the rest of us pretend to do. You dont know how much appreciation you deserve to grow up so narcissistically. Doing something that majority can't. You are good and good is going to happen to you. Just keep doing what you always love to !
And for those of us who knowingly or unknowingly judged them, let's make an effort to be mature enough to understand them.  Let's learn to respect their space. That would be a start of some sorts. A good one at that,  I will add .
Good day!

Sharan Shetty
Shreeraksha Naik 


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