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It’s been a while since I wrote.
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 Let’s talk about freedom, of love and people. Let’s also discuss depression, sickness and ocean. For a moment let us forget to let things distract us and decide to reminiscence the past tense of our lives. Because what I learnt from whatever life has happened to me is that most of the answers to our questions come from them. Comes from the days when the offing (the sea between the horizon and the off-shore) seemed as mysterious and comely as stars disappearing at dawn. [My reference of stars on every post of mine is because they truly do attract me]. Answers to the deepest of our desires and ephemeral dreams remain in the dungeons we built when we grew. And the reason I spoke about pausing for a moment is because you are stressing yourselves a lot.
Younger you wouldn’t have worried so much about lost love and time. You wouldn’t have sickened yourselves at the thought of what was going to come. You would have probably gazed at the birds flying high or at the curiosity of a violinist playing his instrument. Anyway, you always knew that there was a lot of thing, to learn, to gain and to grow from. There was always an ‘I can do it’ and ‘hey! That is possible’. Life teaches us, alright, but to let it take control over our only happiness has to stop. If they are right when they say we create our destiny or life is what we make it, then let us learn how to make it work. Growing up we were taught how to differentiate good from wrong and it was as easy as smiling at your reflection in the mirror.
So sit down today and think…before that smile, smile because life is indeed beautiful. Think about the time passed, about what you have done, right or wrong. Transport yourselves to that part of the galaxy when things were wonderful and understand that things can be the same even now if they could be then. Listen you, you little piece of miracle art, you are the whole of the crumbling mountain, oh yes, but you are also all of the happiness that people ever felt standing on the top of it. I might be making a mistake by measuring happiness here but the stories and smiles the mountain peak ever witnessed equals to all the beauty you deserve to be bestowed with all your life. You might be an old grandmother but you are also all of the wonderful things she experienced in life, which is immeasurable and precious. Precious, oh yes you are so precious. Maybe it is sad to think so but somewhere out there someone is waiting to name you their talisman, their Shangri-La. That is exactly how life works. And if you still don’t want to believe that then it’s okay to accept that you are your own lucky charm and that is the greatest form of independence Earth ever planned to teach.  This is the freedom, love and people I wanted to talk about. Self- love is both mellifluous ( a sound that is pleasing to hear) and ineffable (too great to be expressed in words) at the same time. And maybe the freedom you experience then is what love means in the real sense and the more people are educated to recognize it, the better the world becomes. Maybe I won’t write about depression, since the world mental health week got over recently depression was obviously the talk of the town, perhaps necessarily so too but I personally feel talking more about ways to spread love, teaching people to listen to others and learn from them, hugging , giving and sharing will help in slowly, yet definitely eradicating hate. Which is what the world needs right now. And if you find it difficult to understand how wonderfully joyful you feel while giving more than taking then try, once in your life, by giving food to a homeless street monger. You will feel the joy, more reflective than the biggest joy you ever experienced in your life.

Have a nice day. And remember, no matter what people say, you still are the most favourite child of the Universe.

Shreeraksha Naik


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