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Change of some sort.

The world is changing, isn't it?

So, everyday when I scroll through instagram, facebook or any exquisitely woven write up, it gives me a sense of relief. And this is no lie.
Maybe we skipped noticing the honours received by a social activist for legalising tribal rights or ignored reading the thank you messages from for signing and successfully helping Rita or Michelle achieve the milestone.  Maybe we overlooked the way the facebook timeline feed has put on an entirely different clothing, advertising more on women rights, humane deeds and humongous achievements . Or how new instagram posts started showing how much love we have for another person or for a cat or a dog. Hey, even how our priorities cycle between potatoes, avocadoes and sleep. The new interest in portraying how much important beach and adventures have become. Or even the sudden realisation that most of our favourite stars are not even on these social networking sites or that their accounts are managed by some others and that they are ACTUALLY busy making this world better and better and better.
Maybe all these have little say in changing the world and it might just be my excitement that is drawing exaggerated conclusions in my brain. Nevertheless I still believe that the world is changing and I will still believe even if you want me to think otherwise.
Well isn't it a change? Isn't it an indication that things are getting finer. We perceive differently. My achievements are way different from yours. So are our losses. Yes, you are right,  we do have a lot to improve, lot to mend, lot to learn and protect but if we don't start appreciating what is already being done how will there be any possibility of development in the future. For we know how much ever we love giving, the deepest of our desires lies in receiving it. We are all desperate for appreciation, acceptance and love. So when one takes time to bring a difference to the world, let's atleast get our lazy ass off the couch and lend them a hand. Slowly and steadily, let's see the world change. Let's make this world a better place to live.
We are all simply small giants in this gigantic universe of shredded speckles made of love ( I get excited when I speak of the universe) , so if we can't spread love who else can?

Share love.

Shreeraksha Naik


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